September 12, 2023

Month’s Mind | Patrick Joseph RICHARDSON

Dundalk, Louth / Greenore, Louth


Patrick’s Months Mind will be celebrated at Mass on Saturday, October 7th, in the 

Church of the Holy Redeemer at 6pm. All very welcome. 

The Mass can be viewed live by following this link:

Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so

much seek to be consoled as to console;

To be understood as to understand;

To be loved as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in forgiving that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying that we are

born to eternal life. Amen.

Patrick will always be remembered by his wife Carina, daughter Fiona, son Neil, son-in-law Brendan, daughter-in-law Claire, grandchildren Oisín, Ciaran, Katherine and Patrick, sister-in-law Claudine, brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.

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