June 20, 2023

MONTH’S MIND | Julien Pierre Herve WESTER

Guer, France and Muirhevna, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Louth


Julien’s Months Mind will be celebrated at Mass on Saturday, July 1st in

St. Patrick’s Cathedral at 6pm. All very welcome. 

The Mass can be viewed live by following this link: http://www.churchservices.tv/dundalkstpatrick

As each day dawns we think of you;
As each night falls we pray for you;
And throughout our lives no matter where;
In our hearts you are always there.

Julien will always be remembered by his parents Eric and Agnes, sister Nolwenn and her husband Mári, brother Ivan and his bébé Aure, sisters and brothers Anne-Marie, Elodie, Louise, Joseph and Michel, his family of friends, work colleagues in National Pen and all who knew and loved him in Dundalk and France.

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